VOA Chesapeake & Carolinas: Leadership & Board


Russell Snyder


Russell Snyder has been President and CEO of Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas since 2009, leading an organization with a $55 million budget, approximately 900 employees to serve more than 10,600 men, women and children across Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia and the Carolinas.

Candace Vanderwater 


As Executive Vice President (EVP) and Chief Operating Officer (COO), Candace Vanderwater has responsibility for the strategic growth and stability of the organization, she provides the leadership, management, and vision necessary to ensure that the organization has the proper infrastructure in place to secure financial strength, quality services, and operational efficiency.

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Suzanne Tobin


As Chief Financial Officer, Suzanne Tobin has responsibility for the financial stability of the organization, financial growth and risk management.  She provides leadership, management and financial strategy, which is necessary to ensure the financial stability of the organization.  Her primary responsibilities included developing the financial strategy for the organization, improving and strengthening the IT infrastructure, and risk management.

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Dr. Sheryl Neverson

Senior Vice President of Clinical Strategy

As Senior Vice President of Clinical Strategy, Sheryl A. Neverson is responsible for enhancing Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas’s clinical impact through leadership, management and vision necessary to ensure that the organization has the proper tools to effectively drive growth and sustainability in integrated health and human services.

Brandi Goss-Burchett

Vice President of Maryland/DC

As the Vice President of Maryland/DC for Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas, Brandi Goss-Burchett is responsible for the overall strategic, operational, and clinical responsibility for all programs in the areas of Maryland and the District of Columbia for behavioral health and homeless services.

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David Greever

Vice President of BUDGETS & ANALYTICS

As the Vice President of Budgets & Analytics at Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas, David Greever manages the preparation and implementation of the annual budgets for the organization, its subsidiaries and more than 50 housing, health and human services programs. David ensures that systems are established throughout the organization to ensure efficient budgeting and that we remain in compliance with our contracts and stakeholder requirements. 

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Lisa Synder

Vice President of Virginia/DC Programs

Lisa Snider brings over 25 years of expertise in the Behavioral Health and Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities field to our team. Based in Virginia for the past two decades, Lisa’s career spans roles in local and state government, as well as nonprofit community mental health and developmental disability service providers. Known for her commitment to person-centered services and creative problem-solving, Lisa has a dynamic approach to leadership.

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Dr. Ron Flack


As Vice President of the Carolinas Region, Dr. Ron Flack is responsible for overall strategic and operational goals (including internal operations, program expansion, risk management, leadership development and program evaluation) for all program areas in North and South Carolina.

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Mike Sheedy

Executive Director of the Mid-Atlantic Neighborhood Development Corporation

Mike Sheedy is the Executive Director of the Mid-Atlantic Neighborhood Development Corporation (MANDC). He is charged with establishing and operating this newly created affiliate of Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas as a premier non-profit regional affordable housing developer.

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Nicholle Granger

executive director of development & marketing

As the Executive Director of Development & Marketing for Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas, Nicholle Granger is responsible for developing and executing the fundraising, marketing and communications strategies for the organization.

Anthony Gibson

Vice President of Human Resources and Administration

As Vice President of Human Resources and Administration, Anthony “Gib” Gibson provides strategic leadership for all HR functions, compliance, and risk management in addition to championing organizational culture, employee recruitment, engagement and retention, and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

Cyndi Thompson

Director of Operations for the carolinas

As Director of Operations for the Carolinas Regions, Cyndi Thompson oversees the regions’ compliance, quality assurance plan, and organization’s compliance directives/concerns with oversight agencies.

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Joseph Martinez-Williams

Director of Operations for Maryland/DC 

As Director of Operations for the District of Columbia and Maryland Regions, Joseph “Joe” Martinez-Williams oversees the regions’ compliance, quality assurance plan, and organization’s compliance directives/concerns with oversight agencies.

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Tomeka Magagula

Director of Operations for Virginia/DC

As the Director of Operations for the Virginia region and DC I/DD Services, Tomeka Magagula is responsible for providing leadership and execution that supports and promotes the strategic direction of the region and programs under her purview. 

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Reverend Jules Christian


As the Chaplain for Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas, Rev. Jules Christian is responsible with leading and guiding the organization to keep its spiritual focus, provide spiritual and emotional support, strengthen and expand faith and community partnerships, and oversee the Ministry team of our church without walls. 

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Tanea Manning


As Vice President/Controller, Tanea Manning is responsible for safeguarding financial assets and ensuring accurate and timely recording of all business transactions at Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas.

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Christine Clangford-Dixon

Executive Assistant

As the Executive Assistant to Russell Snyder – President & CEO,  Chaplain Jules Christian, and the Board of Directors Christine Clangford-Dixon plays a pivotal role in ensuring seamless operations and support for executive-level management.

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Karen Jones

Executive Assistant. 

As the Executive Assistant to the Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer, Karen works directly with the EVP/COO, providing crucial support across a wide range of operational functions.


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Caleb Jackson

CHAIRMAN / 2022-2025

Lion Development

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J. Walter Tejada

CO-VICE CHAIR / 2021-2024

Retired Public Servant

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Linda Gilmore

SECRETARY / 2022-2025

CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield

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Mike Avis

TREASURER / 2023-2026

Michael & Son Services

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Steve Edwards


Edwards Performance Solutions

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Jim Anderson


Mercury Public Affairs

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Bill Duncan



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Rev. Claudia Yates


Scheer Partners

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Wen Gong, PhD


Howard University

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Dr. Tanya A. Royster


A Better World LLC

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David Hernandez



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Cynthia Shonaiya


Hord Coplan Macht

CAPT Michelle Dawson


U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Pastor Madeline “MAD” Long


MAD Konnect Foundation

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