PR Contact
All media inquiries can be texted or emailed to Brian Gavin, Senior Vice President of Communications and Marketing.
Brian Gavin | (484) 883-4199
About VOA
Volunteers of America touches the lives of almost 1.5 million people in 400 communities across the United States each year. Since 1896, our highly-trained and dedicated staff numbered at over 16,000, and volunteer corps have worked not only to serve those in need but also have strived to innovate and transform the way in which these services are delivered.
Fact Sheets
Our Fact Sheet
Since 1896, through hundreds of human service programs, including housing and healthcare, Volunteers of America helps 1.5 million people in over 400 communities in 46 states.
Housing Fact Sheet
We have over 20,000 affordable housing units in urban complexes, small rural developments, elderly housing, multifamily housing and housing for those with disabilities.
Veterans Fact Sheet
We proudly serve more than 27,000 veterans with support services and affordable housing, including over 10,000 homeless veterans.
VOA on FOX News
Volunteers of America was featured on FOX News Channel, the top-rated cable news network, on Christmas Day. The four-minute interview with Jatrice Martel Gaiter, EVP of External Affairs, focuses on our work with veterans, first responders, those experiencing homelessness, and older adults.
News Releases
VOA Chesapeake & Carolinas Welcomes Benjamin Nalette to Board of Directors
NOVEMBER 1, 2024 Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas is delighted to announce the addition of Benjamin Nalette to the Board of Directors.
VOA Chesapeake & Carolinas Welcomes Pastor Madeline Long to Board of Directors
NOVEMBER 1, 2024 Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas is delighted to announce the addition of Pastor Madeline “MAD” Long to the Board of Directors.
VOA Chesapeake & Carolinas Welcomes CAPT Michelle R. Dawson to Board of Directors
NOVEMBER 1, 2024 Volunteers of America Chesapeake & Carolinas is delighted to announce the addition of CAPT Michelle Dawson to the Board of Directors.
Washington Business Journal | Mike King Interview 2023
Moral Injury
As one of the nation’s thought leaders in the #Moralinjury field, we dedicate our efforts in helping individuals who are battling with moral injury to overcome #TheWarInside.