No matter what, every veteran deserves dignity and respect.
Offered in Virginia and North Carolina
Volunteers of America Chesapeake operates Veteran Services programs in Northern, North Western, North Eastern, and South West Virginia as well as North Carolina. We support Veterans and their families in regaining their independence.
On this page:
In 2016 our program assisted 252 Veterans and their families from diverting homelessness or becoming stably housed. VOA Chesapeake facilitated access to community resources and services to help each Veteran family address issues and barriers that prevented them from obtaining housing and help them maintain permanent housing.
To improve housing stability, the VOA Chesapeake provides eligible Veteran families with outreach, case management, assistance obtaining VA and other benefits, and supportive services including:
*Healthcare services referral | *Fiduciary and payee services referral |
*Daily living services referral | *Legal services referral |
*Personal financial planning services | *Childcare services referral |
*Transportation services (staff mileage) | *Housing counseling and search services |
*Income support services (job & benefits assistance) |

Operation Homes for Heroes
Providing housing stabilization and case management for veteran households in Northern Virginia
About The Program
VOACC will operate as a Human Service Organization (HSO) under a Veteran Affair’s Contract for the purposes of servicing 75 Veteran Households in the Northern Virginia area.
Operation Homes For Heroes will provide time-limited housing stabilization case management, support, and sustaining services to prepare a veteran for stable, long-term housing and to support them in maintaining it.
VOACC staff will work with each Veteran to develop an individualized service and housing plan to help accomplish the goals of residential stability, self-determination, and economic self-sufficiency through increasing skills or incomes.
Enrollment into Operation Homes For Heroes will consist of qualifying Veterans and their families referred through local Coordinated Entry programs and approved by Veteran Affairs.
- Housing Navigation, Support and Sustaining Services
- Intensive Case Management Services
- Holistic Supportive Services
- Individualized Action Plans
- Connections to Community Services
- Housing navigation and support
- Tenancy Sustaining Services
- Essential Utility Set Up
Hours of Operation
Mon. – Fri.- 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
To find out more about the program, contact:
Scott Pitts, Sr. Director of Housing Services, Virginia
(703) 679-0982 or
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)
The SSVF Program helps veterans and their families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness achieve and maintain housing stability.
About The Program
The Supportive Services for Veterans Families Program (SSVFP) is a housing first, supportive services outreach program operated by VOA Chesapeake, Inc. and the VA SSVF Program Office. The SSVFP is a community-based program which provides a range of supportive services to very low income Veteran families, defined as a Veteran and family members or single Veterans, in or transitioning to permanent housing to promote housing stability. The primary goals are to assist families transitioning from homelessness to permanent housing and prevent at-risk families from becoming homeless—consistent with the HUD HPRP’s (Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Programs).
- Veteran head of household or spouse with other than dishonorable discharge.
- Household income combined must be at 50% or less of the Area Medium Income.
- Housing status—must be in permanent housing; homeless and scheduled to obtain permanent housing within 90 days; or, homeless after exiting permanent housing within the last 90 days.
- Clients will be screened with the use of a screening eligibility tool to determine their eligibility for homeless prevention services.
The SSVFP is designed to provide supportive services to help each veteran family increase and develop self-sufficiency within their housing environment. Comprehensive case management is of primary importance and a case manager is assigned to each family unit and is responsible for providing a comprehensive assessment of needs, formulation of a Family Services Plan (FSP), and the implementation and management of the FSP. The case manager will assist the resident in obtaining access to needed resources, offered within the program or in the community.
- Case management
- Transportation assistance to interviews, appointments, etc.
- Referrals to community services and resources
- Crisis intervention
- Mental health services referrals
- Substance abuse and recovery services referrals
- Referrals to life skills training on issues such as parenting, budgeting, health care and home maintenance
- Income support services—employment services & benefits support/assistance
- Employment and/or education referral and assistance
- Assistance with securing donations such as furniture and clothing
Counties Served

To learn more about the SSVF program, please contact an office near you.
Phone: 703-341-7020 or 703-341-5077 |
North Carolina Programs

Maple Court Veterans Transitional Housing Program
- Temporary Housing
- Case Management
- Housing Location Assistance
- Employment Support
- Ministry Support as Needed
- Other Linkages to Community Resources
Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP)
- Financial assistance and community service referrals
- Job training and job search assistance
- Vocational counseling
- Industry-recognized certification training and licensing
- Life skills support services
- Placement into meaningful employment
- Child care support

Grant Per Diem (GPD) Case Management
- Home visits to monitor housing stability
- Providing/coordinating educational activities
- Meal planning
- Tenant responsibilities
- Use of public transportation
- Service referrals (e.g., mental health, substance use recovery, medical, etc.)
- Employment services
- Financial management
- Development of natural supports
- Participation in case conferencing with other service providers